Who we are
Finbo, founded in NZ in 2015 was operational in the UK from 2004, prior to Director Paul Finch moving permanently with his family to NZ. Paul has wide experience from a range of roles within the built environment. These include; site engineer and agent, planner, construction manager, contracts manager, building consultant and project manager. He also spent a short period in the IT and Insurance sectors and is capable of bringing holistic solution providing capability to all engagements.
He was awarded the degrees of BSc Building Engineering and Management and MSc Construction Project Management; is recognised professionally as a Chartered Construction Manager (MCIOB) and Chartered Building Engineer (MCABE) and is a Certified Passive House Tradesperson.
An Affiliate of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of NZ (AMINZ), Paul is also a Site 2 Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP), is Site Safe certified and a member of the Association of Environment Conscious Builders (AECB).
Projects Finbo have undertaken;
- Construction of one of the UK’s first passive house designed properties
- Project manager for central London commercial refurbishment
- Project and construction manager of high quality residential property
- Architects agent for heritage property refurbishment (Grade I, II)
- earthquake claim damage assessments and resolution
- defect analysis
- 10 year maintenance plans, cost plans, programmes, contract administration, practical completion reports, conflict resolution
- Construction manager for new build, refurbishment and historic extension projects
Projects Paul has undertaken with others;
- domestic and commercial property rebuild and repairs within the Canterbury Earthquake rebuild programme
- property inspections including New Zealand Fire Service, Methodist Church
- large housing projects (100+ units)
- apartment renovations (200+ units, 300+ units)
- water mains, ways and metering programmes (250,000 properties)
- new school and tower block refurbishments (to 10 storeys) in Norway
- public sector commercial office with methane venting system
- heritage (Grade I and II – UK, Category I – NZ) refurbishments